Inspiration Camp 2019

18.10. – 20.10.2019
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Inspiration Camp I Ort: Schluchsee, Deutschland I Preis 199€

Sicher dir einen der 10 Plätze! Bewerbungsschluss: 20.8.2019

Traveling is the best education and pushes your comfort zone every day.
You have some assumptions of life, the world or different cultures?
While traveling you test them!
English version

Reisen ist die beste Bildung,
die DU dir geben kannst und du gehst automatisch jeden Tag aus deiner Komfortzone, ob du willst oder nicht.
Du hast ein paar Vorstellungen über die Welt und andere Kulturen?
Beim Reisen testest du sie jeden Tag und du wächst an jeder neuen Begegnung!

The Inspiration Camp offers creative and artistic workshops, coaching and team building activities in a safe and bonding environment for young adults to get clarity on their purpose, discover their talents and strengths and get inspired to travel the world. We prepare you to have the journey of your lifetime and come home safe, enriched and with new friendships. But there is even more:

We form a community of international like-minded, global and creative thinking people who invent amazing ideas or social driven entrepreneurship, give their purpose a voice through films, pictures and stories and are inspired for a spectacular life.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

We will create your vision for life, your travel plans and explore your talents in the magical nature of the Black Forrest. Make the first step into your adventure, called life, become the best creativ version of yourself and find travel buddies.

Do you want to improve your skills in volunteer projects, make a social impact and meet great people? 

Do you want to know how to find cheap flights, affordable accomodation and meet like-minded people? 

Do you want to learn how to take the best pictures and make a film about your best moments? 

Are you creative or have a lot of talents and don’t know how to combine them in a job that you like and that thrives you? 

Are you looking for a global community of fun, creative and inspiring young people to connect with and find travel buddies? 


Included: 3 days crazy input of personal development, filmmaking and photo skills, travel tips, creativity and connection with like-minded people; accomodation and drinks

not included: travel fees


Application Deadline: 10th of April 2019



Get inspired and make a diffence in the world!

Life is an adventure!


You are creative, like to travel the world, search for a like-minded community and want to find your purpose for the future?

The aim of the 3-days Inspiration Camp is to bring creative, multi-talented people together and inspire them in workshops, talks and sport activities
for an amazing life (after school or also in a job break).

 Have fun with like-minded people.

This camp is a gamechanger in your life.

Explore what you really want to do with your life.

Get secret travel hints from experienced globetrotters. 

Get ideas what kind of impact you can do while traveling. 

Dive into an english speaking community to get the travel feeling. 

Learn the tools of storytelling and filmmaking to inspire your audience.

Find travel buddies. 

Go traveling!

It is the beginning of an amazing journey through the world but also a journey to get to know yourself better.

WHY do you want to travel?
HOW do you want to travel?
What is your purpose?

The Program

Friday: Before the journey:
Arriving, Get together, Speed-Networking;
What to pack, Travel secrets, Who am I?
Bond fire

Saturday: While the journey 1:
Filmmaking and Photography, Meditation, Mindset-tools, Travel deseases, Security, Assurance, Meet-ups, sports activities, photo workshop, , Open stage.

Sunday: After the journey: Give your purpose a voice: Public Speaking-workshop, how can my values lead me to my vision.

And lots of connection time, personal development, sports activities and an introduction to mindfulness training and an open stage to show your talents on Saturday evening.

Contact me for more Details.

Download the Flyer here.


Who is behind the Inspiration Camp?

Julia Schmitz is a PE and French teacher in Freiburg, Germany, and her passion is traveling. She is in her 2nd sabbatical year and has traveled to over 45 countries, mainly Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Kenya. She will share with you all her travel hacks (cheap flights, affordable accommodations, great volunteer programs) and stories. She is also a journalist and will show you how to make movies and take wonderful pictures of your unforgettable journey. As her passion is circus she will teach you juggling and acrobatics, if you want, because it is always a door opener for amazing encounters with children and other projects. Because of that she was already 4 times a volunteer at the Olympic Games, also another great way of traveling! Get inspired!

Veronika Lévesque is a coach, a change maker in education, a food-lover and a multi-lingual and very curious and inspiring person. She has lived and worked in the US, France and Switzerland. Her network is invaluable. Currently she is a coach for swiss companies and is always involved in new education projects.
She will support you in finding your values, explore your talents and strenghts and guiding you on you path to the best version of yourself.

Click here to apply for the FB-Groupe:
Hier ist der Link zur kostenlosen Gruppe.

Bis gleich!



Das Mastermind-Programm für junge, kreative Menschen, die nach der Schule auf Reisen gehen, ihre Talente und Kreativität leben und sich mit like-minded people vernetzen wollen.

DIE Vorbereitung für dein GAP-Year oder deine Weltreise!

Wie würde es sich anfühlen, wenn deine große Reise MORGEN beginnt und du mit kreativen Menschen unterwegs bist, die genauso ticken wie du❓

Willst du JETZT deine Reise planen und Klarheit über deine Talente bekommen und andere kreative Menschen treffen

Book your spot for a FREE Call with me where we find out what you still need to jump into your life you always have dreamed of:)

Melde dich bei mir zu einem KOSTENLOSEN 20-minütigen Klarheitsgespräch an und wir schauen gemeinsam, was du noch brauchst, um den Sprung in das Leben zu machen, von dem du träumst:)

Interviews in english or german.

Gespräche sind in deutsch oder englisch möglich.

Now, I feel ready to „take off“.


What a great weekend of fun, inspiration and travel tips.


„Julia inspired me for my most passionate hobby:

Attending each year the Cannes Film Festival!“
